The Homestead Strike of 1892.

     On June 29 Frick locked out 1,100 men, two days later workers sealed got a hold of mill and sealed of strike breakers. Frick later called in police force, the Pinkerton Detective Agency to protect non union workers. There was a huge miscalculation because there were 750 union workers of the 3,800 non union workers at the Homestead. 3,000 of them met and voted to strike. Frick built a 12 ft fence made with barbed wire around mill with search lights (Named Fort Frick). Deputy sheriffs were sworn in to guard Fort Frick. When the private armies of business arrived, the crowd warned the Pinkertons not to step off the barge. But they did. No one knows for sure which side shot first, but someone opened  fire, the Pinkertons retreated back to their barges. Barges went up in flames for a long time until it was destroyed. For 14 hours, gunfire went back to back straight. Pinkertons surrendered in the afternoon three detectives and nine workers were dead or being were killed 
