The Homestead Strike of 1892.

At 12 o'clock 30 June 1892 every department of the immense Carnegie steel works at Homestead was shut down, throwing about 3,800 men out of employment.which is simmilar to what is happening today. All other mills discharge their men on the night of the expiration of the yearly contract. The men had declared positively that they would strike at the date of the expiration of the yearly contract. This term of expiration was to occur either at 6 o'clock this morning, or at 6 o'clock, just as the authorities decided. At midnight the men, declared a shut-down instead of being a strike at the great steel works, the action of the police had made it a lock-out. Today many people are losing their jobs because of companies and their faults. Also, some people even strike about being unemployed so today is no different than the past. Jobs were being cut then and still are now. Will we escape this unemployment problem this time


Workers were locked out of company making them unemployed.


Unemployment department in South Carolina